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Breathe Life into You and Your Employees Jobs

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“What do you do?” 

This is a question we all get when meeting new people at work.  They’re asking us what our title is and how we fit into the organization.  Unfortunately, these titles can be constraining and don’t define who we truly are. Titles can put us into a category that come with stereotypes. However, what if we could break this stereotype and bring purpose to our jobs?

My family and I love camping and we recently decided to invest in a new camper.  Once we did our research and discovered the right camper for us, it was time to venture to the dealership.  Upon arriving at the dealership, I asked for a salesperson to assist us.  A cheerful man arrived and gladly took my family and me to the lot.

This person loved, and I mean loved, his job.  He had energy, took time to explain things in detail and spent a lot of time showing my children stuff he felt they would like.  As he showed us features, I asked him how he became a camper salesman.  His response; “I’m not a salesman.  I provide opportunities for families to enjoy seeing the world and creating memories that last a lifetime.”

That comment got my attention and asked him to explain.  He said the street right in front of us could connect me to the most southern tip of the US in Key West, FL, the Rocky Mountains, the furthest reaches of Canada, and the tropics of South America.  All that’s needed is a place to sleep and a sense of adventure.  He even had my wife and I imagine how we’d use the camper while having fun.

Needless to say, we bought the camper.  As we filled out the paperwork, the owner of the dealership came in and asked about our experience.  I explained the person helping us was fantastic.  The owner said each of his employees are unique, and he wants them to breathe life into their own jobs.

“Breathe life into their own jobs.”  For this person’s employees, it was more than just a job title, it was truly what they did.  Each person understood their purpose.  This sense of purpose wasn’t defined by their job title, but by the life they breathed into their role every day.

Image if you, and your employees, could also breathe life into your jobs.  Instead of being confined to your job titles, be free to bring purpose to what you do and deliver even more value because you’re committed.  This commitment could bring enjoyment to your job and help the company grow.



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