News, Updates & Information:

ICPM Store / Members


Whether or not you are a newly minted certification holder or one of longer standing, check out some of the other benefits (and requirements) that all members both need and have available to them.

Be sure to pick which certification you have to see what's available (Certified Manager / Associated Certified Manager / Certified Supervisor / Retired)
Certified Manager
Associate Certified Manager
Certified Supervisor

You must be logged in and a CM Member to access this page. If you are a CM Member and cannot access this page, please email ICPM Support @!

ACM Conversion Fee
Are you an ACM member? Need to convert your ACM certification into the full CM membership certification? This is what you'll need to receive your very own CM Diploma.
For each program, specific time is alloted to all students to access learning materials. Once any 'student' has completed their program successfully, access to the online learning materials is removed. If you would still prefer to have access to these resources after completion, a monthly fee is required.

You must be logged in and a ACM Member to access this page. If you are a ACM Member and cannot access this page, please email ICPM Support @!

You must be logged in and a CS Member to access this page. If you are a CS Member and cannot access this page, please email ICPM Support @!

Retired CM
Retired CS

You must be logged in and a Retired CM Member to access this page. If you are a Retired CM Member and cannot access this page, please email ICPM Support @!

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