You can achieve professional recognition using simple actions on a daily basis.
5 Signals it's time to invest in professional development. Understanding the difference between certificate vs. certification can help you consider the right option for professional development.
For some of us, 2015 was the best year yet; for others, it was the most challenging to date. Either way, it’s over and behind us. This is a new year. So, regardless of last year’s accomplishments and setbacks, the meter has returned to zero.
Recall the last time you landed a good sale, discount, or markdown. Most likely, it made your purchase just a little more exciting and gave it a greater sense of value. We rarely expect to land a sale or discount when it comes to education, however, certification actually offers one…
It is ironic that professional recognition, in a marketing sense, is literally PR or public relations which involves managing the spread of information. In the case of an individual pursuing professional recognition, the information spread establishes credibility that one is proficient in his or her field or profession.
Career advancement, on the surface, seems like a relatively easy task when thinking about what you want to do for the rest of your life. In actuality, it is much more difficult to decide what you want to do and make it a reality.
Can you offer what employers require?
Changing career paths is incredibly stressful. You’ve spent years cultivating skills valued by your employer and climbing the promotion ladder by demonstrating competency.
Should you change careers? Not sure if the timing is right? Learn how and why to make a mid-career job change