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CS Exam + Live Proctoring (Rosalyn)


Not allowed or able to solely utilize AI (virtual) proctoring? Purchase provides the examinee with a live, virtual proctor via the Roselyn platform who will oversee the examinee throughout their examination. Although a Pass/Fail notification may be visible to the examinee at the end of the exam, a video and audio recorded audit is required of the exam prior to determination of the examinees final score(s) and their Pass/Fail determination. Results will not be official until 72-hours after the conclusion of the exam. If an audit determines that the Pass/Fail determination has changed from what was notified versus what it is after the review, the examinee will be notified of the reasons for the change in scoring. Certification exams are purchased separately. Purchase of Live (virtual) proctoring must be made at a minimum 2-weeks prior to the scheduled examination date to ensure scheduling of the proctor. Purchase is non-refundable and non-transferable.

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