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Advance Your Management Career Through Certification
Differentiate yourself with a distinguished ICPM certification. Start your journey today!
Donate to ICPM
Who We Are
How you can help
Your support allows ICPM to find, create and implement methods and means to ensure that the values of management, and its role within companies, industries and economies, remain both achievable and valued while also preserving the highest levels of professionalism.
Your donation will help support the continued validation of management concepts by ensuring that our examinations remain consistent, applicable and assist in the promotion of future implementations of methods and technology to ensure that every capable person can proudly showcase their competencies to the world by providing a more thorough, beneficial, and valued access to our certification programs.
As you are partners in our success, we thank you for your generosity and support of ICPM. All gifts are 100% tax deductible and qualify as charitable contributions to higher education. Your gift will play a significant role in further defining the lives of aspiring and seasoned managers globally.